Sagamore COVID-19 Response

 Sagamore friends and partners,

It is our great hope that you are well and that your families are safe and healthy during this challenging season. Like you, we at Sagamore are working hard to navigate this massive disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

That journey has required us to make some necessary adjustments to our regular Sagamore programming. So, I wanted to update you on where things are.

We were originally scheduled to have our 2020 Sagamore Summit at Butler University in mid-July. And our leadership team has spent weeks prayerfully wrestling through the possibilities before us. While we really wanted to go through with this signature event, we have decided to take make unprecedented decision to cancel the Summit for this year. We had considered postponing it, but with the uncertainty of when everything may get back to normal, combined with the fact that--if everything were back to normal--school would be starting two weeks later for most of our Sagamore leaders, a better solution was untenable at this time.

As much as we value the importance of leadership development, our greatest concern is to keep everyone safe and healthy. And given the unknowns about future possibilities, combined with the many interactive elements of the Summit experience, we have decided to err on the side of caution for this year.

This significant change for us is not easy, but we are choosing to find the positive opportunities in this season of disruption. The door for new possibilities at Sagamore is open, and we are exploring exciting ways to make both the Summit experience and our other Sagamore programming even better. Stay tuned!

So, we are really excited about relaunching the Sagamore Summit next summer in 2021. And in the meantime, we have launched weekly online leadership conversations via Zoom. These gatherings are open to any student from any of our Sagamore sites. We have talked about “What lessons are we learning through the Coronavirus?”, “Relationships and Social-distancing: Are We In a 'New Normal'?”, and this coming Thursday we will be talking about “The Power of Positive Disruption: Setting and Pursuing Goals for Life-Change.” Our students are coming to us from all over central Indiana, and even out-of-state, and their perspectives are very insightful. Great conversations are going on!

We can’t thank you enough for your support of Sagamore. As we navigate this uncertain Coronavirus season, it is evident that leadership is as important as ever. And our ability to train up the leaders of the next generation is not possible without each of you. Steady on, friends!